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Thursday, May 11, 2023

MAXIMO BASICS: Broken Sequence BMXAA8010E - Record Already exists erros

Problem :
    When attempting to add a new Asset into Maximo using the Assets application, the following message  
    is displayed when you click Save Record. 

    BMXAA8010E - An asset with the asset identifier 16,058 already exists. Enter a new asset identifier.

Cause :
    This error can occur after a data load or Migration . 

Resolving The Problem:

  To fix tis error we have two possible solutions: 

     1) Run the script: 
            update maxsequence set maxvalue = ( select max(ASSETID) + 1 from asset)  where                                name = 'ASSETID'; 
 or 2) Run this script: 
            ALTER SEQUENCE assetidseq INCREMENT BY 5000; 
            select assetidseq.nextval from dual; 
            ALTER SEQUENCE assetidseq INCREMENT BY 1; 

Because the example above could have been caused by data load in Maximo, the scripts should help to fix the problem, however Support does not engage on fixing data issues in Maximo environments, so the information above is a reference that should help. 

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