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Friday, January 17, 2020

MAXIMO: Make memo field required for specific status changes

****Maximo Make MEMO filed required during status change****

Below I am outlining simple maximo solution when you have requirement to make the "memo" field required when status being changed to a specific value.

Actually this requirement may not be done using conditional UI.

We need to use automation script or java code in order to achieve this requirement.

Below is automation script approach to provide solution for this requirement.

Requirement : Make the memo field required when work order status is being changed to "Approved" in changed status dialog.

GoTo-> Automation Scripts ->Create script with Attribute Launch Point.

Description : Memo field required for Approving Work Orders
Attribute : STATUS
Events : Run Action

Create Below Launch point variables :
vSTATUS   INOUT Override , Binding : STATUS
vMEMO     INOUT  Override , Binding : MEMO

Now use below script code (Python)



# Version       Date         Author                     Request #                               Remarks

#   1.0       1/10/2019   Prashant Bavane    Make MEMO field required                           WO status being changed to APPR



from psdi.mbo import MboConstants
from psdi.server import MXServer

if (MXServer.getMXServer().getMaximoDD().getTranslator().toInternalString("WOSTATUS",vSTATUS,mbo)=='APPR'):

Create/Save the script.

Now we will test this solution.

GoTo - Work Order Tracking application , open WO record having WAPPR status.
Click "Change Status" button/select action.
Then , you can get "Change Status Dialog.

Select "Approved" status from dropdown list for New Status field

Maximo Status Chage

Now click OK button without entering any value for Memo field.

You will get error as below :


1 comment:

Mayur said...

Thanks for detailed article on this scenario. Helpful for many use cases.